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Department of Motor Vehicles

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-In recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday and Inauguration Day, all DC DMV locations will be closed on Saturday, January 18 and Monday, January 20. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 21. Many of DC DMV's services will remain available online or via the agency's free mobile app.


-DC DMV will no longer prevent DC residents from applying for a new or renewed driver license because of failing to meet the requirements of the Clean Hands Law.

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DMV News You Can Use for May 2022

Monday, May 23, 2022

A Message from Director Robinson

As we all continue to feel the pinch at the gas pump, why drive to DC DMV when you can Skip the Trip and make your dollars stretch further. As a reminder, DC DMV offers more than 55 online services and many of the most frequent transactions can be completed by downloading our mobile app.

In this month's newsletter, we remind parents that they are the number one influence when it comes to their teen drivers and safety on our roadways. Please read this month's Vision Zero article to learn more about the importance of parental influence on shaping safe and capable teen drivers.

Additionally, please read on to learn more about the "Lives Shatter on Impact" Testimonial Wall we recently hosted at the Benning Ridge Service Center to highlight the importance of pedestrian and bicycle safety. Be sure to watch the testimonial videos included in the article as well.

Finally, please note our Inspection Station will transition to Spring/Summer operating hours starting on Tuesday, June 7, 2022.

As a reminder, please join me for our DC DMV Live Chat the first Thursday of each month. I'll be online for a full hour to respond in real-time to any of your DC DMV-related questions. Our next live chat is scheduled for Thursday, June 2 at 12 p.m. Spread the word!

Thank you for reading this edition of our newsletter. Enjoy and stay safe!

DMV News You Can Use - May 2022