A Message from Director Robinson
Grettings DC! Summer is here and for many of us, this time usually means vacations and road trips. I encourage everyone to be safe and follow the rules of the road. Also, when traveling in the District, please watch out for pedestrians and cyclists, particularly when approaching intersections. By taking these actions, we can all help achieve the Mayor's Vision Zero goal to reach zero fatalities and serious injuries to travelers.
In this month's newsletter, we include some safety tips on how to maintain your vehicle tires. Be TireWise because the only thing between you and the road are your tires.
Additionally, we announce the partnership with Thales Group to provide DC residents with a “new look, new security, same you”, credential.
I'm also proud to share that DC DMV recently received an award from the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) recognizing DC DMV's outstanding community outreach and service efforts.
Finally, as a reminder, please join me for our DC DMV Live Chat, held the first Thursday of each month. I'll be online for a full hour to respond in real-time to any of your DC DMV-related questions. Our next online live chat is scheduled for Thursday, August 3 at 12 p.m. Spread the word!
Thank you for reading this edition of our newsletter. Enjoy and stay safe!