DC Resident with Take Home Company Vehicle
If the DC resident works for a DC-based company which has a leased vehicle, they are not eligible for reciprocity. The DC resident must be added to the DC-based company's lease contract as a co-lessee, and be listed on the vehicle registration as the primary registrant. This will then allow the DC resident to obtain a residential parking permit (RPP), if needed.
Note: a RPP cannot be issued to a vehicle with commercial tags. RPPs for District residents with take-home company vehicles are only valid for one year and are renewable.
Please see below for two scenarios for DC residents with take home vehicles:
Scenario 1
Vehicle Owned by non-DC Company (which manages their own fleet) and given to DC Employee for Take Home Use
Vehicle is titled and registered in non-DC company’s jurisdiction and DC DMV reciprocity permit is then requested for employee “take home vehicle”. DC DMV's reciprocity sticker allows for a RPP, if the employee’s home address is in an eligible RPP zone.
Required Documents
- Completed DC DMV Leasing Agent Certificate of Title Application (with reciprocity and RPP only annotated)
- Copy of Take Home Vehicle authorization letter issued to employee by non-DC company (lessee), availbale on non-DC company (lessee) letterhead
- Copy of employee’s DC driver license
- Copy of out-of-state vehicle registration
- Proof of insurance issued for jurisdiction where vehicle is registered
- Note: vehicle's with commercial tags are not eligible for RPP
- Applicable reciprocity and RPP fees
Please visit the District Department of Transportation's (DDOT) website to verify if address is RPP eligible.
Scenario 2
Vehicle Leased by non-DC Company through non-DC Leasing Agent and Available to DC Employee for Take Home Use
Vehicle is titled in DC to non-DC leasing agent (lessor) and registered in DC to non-DC company (lessee). DC DMV's reciprocity permit is then requested for employee “take home vehicle” and allows allows for a RPP, if the employee’s home address is in an eligible RPP zone.
Required Documents
- Completed DC DMV Leasing Agent Certificate of Title Application (w/reciprocity and RPP annotated, in addition to titling/registering of vehicle)
- Certificate of Title or Manufacturer Certificate of Origin (MCO)
- Vehicle Title Reassignment Form (if applicable)
- Odometer Mileage Verification
- Completed and fully executed Power of Attorney (POA)
- Copy of Lease Contract
- Copy of Lien Contract or Security Agreement (if applicable)
- Copy of Non-DC Leasing Agent (lessor) Business License
- Copy of Non-DC company (lessee) Business License or Certificate of Incorporation issued by their home jurisdiction
- Copy of employee’s DC driver license
- Take home vehicle authorization letter issued to employee by non-DC company (lessee), available on non-DC company (lessee) letterhead (original document needed)
- Proof of valid DC Insurance
- Proof of DC Vehicle Inspection
- Emissions only required for passenger class used vehicles
- Safety and emissions required for commercial class new and used vehicles
- Note: no vehicle with commercial tags eligible for RPP
- Applicable titling, registration, reciprocity and RPP fees
Please visit the District Department of Transportation's (DDOT) website to verify if address is RPP eligible.
Vehicle Registration and Title Fee Estimator
Use the link below to obtain an online estimate of the vehicle registration and title fees: